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Should be tagged as Horror due to the fact you have to play as the Irish

(1 edit) (+19)

Who let the Welsh peasant use a computer? :P


English* peasant


As an Irish person, I approve this statement


wait, we're Irish?


You are now, sunshine!


This game is amazing! Can't wait for the update!


adore this!! the writing and customisation are very immersive, i'm excited for more :)


I need another update!!!




One of the best ones I've ever played!! 


Amazing writing! super inclusive to mute and touch-averse people and the characters are intriguing.

I'll be waiting eagerly for the next update :]

can you choose multiple poly routes?



This was a wonderful experience!

There is a Patreon? I would love assign


Okay I need to check in and clear up a quick confusion:

I took the trans woman background during character creation and just hit the spot where Morien asks about HRT...if I take the hormones is that to continue being female or is that some roundabout way to detransition? I really don't want to accidentally turn my character back into a guy...if anyone has an answer I would massively appreciate

I'm pretty sure it means you're taking hormones to become a women or stay a women/whatever gender you picked. It's just giving you the choice of whether your character has since some ppl don't want hormones or anything of that sort ^^


Okay perfect, just the last thing I'd wanna do is untrans my blorb's gender when I trans'd it in the first place for a reason XD


That'd be hilarious in the worst way possible but not fun


... I... I love you, Saraah 😭😭 IN SIBLING WAY* 


I dont think this IF will ever come back...

It's sad because it was easily my favorite on itch


They are extremely active on tumblr and are starting to roll out character portraits. I think they fell into the tumblr-if trap.


by that do you mean they're posting character portraits, lore dumps, short stories about ROs, fanart and basically anything but work on the actual story?


Hi! I am sorry for not publishing any update here on Itch. I am about halfway done with the next update and am optimistic for a release relatively soon. I was stuck with writing for a long time until very recently, and despite my passion for the project unfortunately sometimes it's less draining to answer a couple of asks than stressing over the writing when I am in that state of mind.

I had to change some lore elements as well, and in the past months I was able to rewrite the public demo accordingly (unfortunately, it was necessary).

On Tumblr I have recently published one of the ROs official portrait, which will be present in the character description in game upon the next update. All in all, I am continuously polishing the WIP, even if very slowly (and I am sorry for that).

I am very flattered by your high regards of TKH, and I assure you I am still actively working on it. If I ever decide to abandon it, I will make a hiatus announcement, as I don't want to leave people waiting for nothing.


Oh, I'm so excited! I had this game saved for months since I played the demo. It as a concept, as well as the lovely characters within, live absolutely rent free in my head.

(1 edit) (+3)

can't wait for more.  I am an avid fan of Arthurian legends both the one based on fantasy and the one's based on Artur. (Historical). If ever want some inspiration for the story, I am happy to help. Just as happy to only read.  

(1 edit) (+6)

Wow. This is brilliant. Even though I have zero interest in MC romancing Arthur since he's a dude, I have to admit the way you have written his character I wouldn't complain had there been no female LIs. Glad to see more stories including non verbal MCs.


I love how there's option to make your character suffer internally just for the sake of it, since that's what they were taught as a child.


I love how we are given a backstory but we decide how it goes, it feels grounded and less self-inserty but not taking away authority


i am not ok


Love it so far!!! Can't wait for an update!


Man i played this like 6 months ago and keep coming back to see if there's more, i am desperate


Sobbing...I need moreeee


Is this still alive? I really like it and am curious


It's still alive! The author currently is rewriting everything right now. You can keep up with their progress on Tumblr the-kingshound.


Is this project still alive?


You can keep up with their progress on their Tumblr the-kingshound. The project is currently going through a makeover right now.


I try to enable a save but every time I have to start over. It doesn't take me to where I left off. To the beginning every damn time. It is not worth the damn trouble.


eeekkk the casual amount of pet names between the ro's is so cutee 

squealing and kicking my legs in the air rn


What was the update two days ago?


probably just bug fix or updated to fit a certain version of the web player.


I love it, i will patiently wait for any updates 🧡


I will wait patiently for this game, as it has probably my favorite love interests and MC choices of all the interactive fiction and visual novels that I've read! 


I like this VN a lot. When is the next update?


made an account just to say that this is amazing, I love so much about this and I'm very excited for when there's an update!

(2 edits) (+10)(-52)

OK i am sorry but i have to say this, the game is interesting but this is obviously not for those like me who are playing as a man and wanted a straight romance with a woman, like why wasn't there a option to let me know that Authur will kiss me on the forehead and besides that, the text of the game just screams your mc is either supposed to be a woman or they are gay or bisexual which are the vibe the story is giving off


I haven’t played there game yet but I’m sorry to hear that it wasn’t up to your tastes :(, if you want a good recommendation where you can be a straight person, through and through, then I totally recommend Superstition! Some games are sadly just not meant for everyone but I hope you find a game that you’ll like!


Not really sure what you were expecting there. I mean, the first line in the blurb does say "You are the King's spouse"

(8 edits) (+6)(-42)

yes it said we are the king spouse but is was also obivous the king is not the only RO and why on this good earth is there even a option to be a man and make ROs female, the problem is not me because i knew what i was getting into and i have no problem with lgbtq in games but the issue is the text of the story the author created, like why the F will you give players that like to  play as male and wanna date female ROs the  personality of a gay or bisexual that blushes over a man but is silent about a gender optional RO that is chosen as female and have been traveling with before they get to camelot, like if the author wanted to do that is ok but is another issue when you lie to the players making them think they was a option to be straight or not letting the players have the option to tell the game how we want our mc interest in sexuality of gender to be known


I see. I often found IF games with customizable gender and sexuality for MC, but felt like it was heavily written on a certain gender and sexuality. I think it's more about the writing.

That's why I usually compromising by customizing my MC based on the writing.


Oh grow up and be quiet,

God forbid that the author hasn't created a specific story solely for you and your tastes, it's not like there's thousands of different stories, games and novels you could go and read that will do exactly that. 

It's quite literally called *The Kings Hound* and very clearly states your character is *The Kings Spouse* Yet you've still decided to whine over it? It's as ridiculous as playing a game about sorcerers and then complaining it has magic in it.

(2 edits) (+1)(-1)

I actually feel bad for you, people here seem to have completely misunderstood what you were saying.

I love this IF, it’s by far one of the most promising I’ve followed in the past few years, but I do agree that MC’s characterisation is very feminine, or better put “BL typical”.
If the player choses their MC to be into women, then he shouldn’t act like a fair maiden when touched, kissed, etc. by another man, the average straight dude would feel at least uncomfortable if not outright grossed out. He wouldn’t blush.
I understand why you are upset about the characterisation; the MC was either written with a female MC in mind, or he’s heavily intended to be gay/bi.

While I still love the game, I can totally see why it’s disappointing for someone expecting to be able to play as a genuinely straight man.

But. You have to keep in mind that people on here aren’t professionals, and most IF devs women, it’s hard for layman to write the opposite gender, hell, many professionals can’t even do it.
You have valid criticism and stating it calmly, explaining it properly, might even help the dev to improve – but there’s no point in being rude or raging.

Maybe IFs from the “choice of/hosted games” brand would be better for you, they cater more to straight people, and if you are into superheroes/villains, I highly recommend  the "Fallen Hero" series, which does all sexualities exceptionally well.

(1 edit)

1)I don't understand your comment like are you trying to reason with me or call me a bully for no reason

2)Nothing in my comment said anything rude or badmouthing the game and I was not angry at author just disappointed they forced a personality unto the mc with no explanation while making us the players to choose what gender for the ROs(except for Authur), which should have been something the author consider when they added that choice in the game, because it really make no sense when I chose the option to only like the opposite gender and to make it worse the author made players to be sitting on a horse silently with no interaction with the RO they chose the gender for and have been traveling with but when they get to the king, the options for talking to Authur didn't really explain which is for flirting, talking with him, or just using the simple touch like a handshake, look the game is good and I have got nothing for admiration for the author work but we are human so is ok that everybody just don't understand something is not a flaw and before someone comes to try insult me for no reason, what I meant by saying this is that the author work is great but they failed at romance for different people and understanding how people interact with one another.

(3 edits) (+4)

Uhm, I actually agreed with you. The backlash you got for your comments is exactly because of what you just did, being extremely emotional that it borders on being rude. Again, I agreed with you, I thought that was obvious by saying "I agree with you", and even gave you a rec for something that's probably more to your taste. You are so up in arms that you lash out at someone who agreed with you that the characterisation isn't great when one plays as straight, I defended your opinion, but all you got from it is that I called you raging, which you were, just like now. You seriously need to calm down and reflect, because you seem unaware of how your comments sound.


Please noted that my reply is not hostile here :) Just casual!

I think i get what you're trying to say.  As a Bisexual Woman (who is leaning more into Women), sometimes i get it; the frustration when playing through games that stated 'romance for everyone' but turned out, as you play, it simply.. didn't give off that vibe. There are a lot of games that focused on the Male ROs instead of the Female despite their games have the 'romance-for-everybody' undertone . Like, you just found a good story and expect you can romance the women ROs based on your orientation, but the vibes doesn't sit well with you. I get it...

But i'm not saying this story is wrong or you're wrong for stating that, no. Everyone has their own taste regarding stories, and every Authors can write what they want to write. And besides, the title of this game is 'The King's Hound' and the Author put the first line with "You are the King's Spouse". Surely the plot and the romance will be mostly focused on The King and us as the spouse? :') At least for a facade?. And i want to point it out that even if you're not into The King, you can romance the rest, and the rest of the ROs can be set into the genders you wanted them to be to.

My suggestion for you is maybe try to search and try to play the games that really clicked well with you? :') There are a lot of games with gripping and immersive plot and good romance sequence as well as this if you give them a try.

And maybe try to give this one a chance and wait it out, since it's still a few starting chapters here and in-progress :).


Absolutely stunning!!




Really good, super immersive and beautiful writing. Really excited to see where this goes.

ooooh man i am into this!!


This was really good can't wait for the next update

I was wondering if you offer tutorials on your customization screens? They're so amazing




First time commenting on anything. Absolutely in love with this game so far, was so excited to check back in after a while and see that it updated :D


My second time commenting. Still adore this, but something caught in my brain a bit and I was hoping for clarification. So, when they meet, Yniol addresses the MC as "my liege" and I'm a rather confused. Before now I've only seen it used to refer to someone's liege lord (whatever lord, king, etc. that they've sworn an oath of loyalty and service to). As far as I'm aware that hasn't happened yet? I feel like I'm missing something. 

I really do enjoy this game. The characters are refreshing and intriguing, the story is lovely, and the descriptions are a delight. I am just rather worried I have missed an important plot point. Or otherwise misunderstood something.

Thank you for putting the time and energy in to create this game. Saraah is a wonderful bit of trouble and a perfect darling and I look forward to seeing more of him. I also look forward to Arthur and the Hound's eventual conversation. And more Evaine. Kind and competent warriors with pretty hair long enough to braid are a favorite of mine. And adorable Mordred. Very much looking forward to seeing him over time. I never know what to expect from retellings there and this one has diverged on several standard points in an interesting way that makes me excited about how this version might differ from the standard.


u talk a lot no offense but I agree with what u said 

This is the case and definately is the historical context for "Liege" but in the modern fantasy realm it is also often used as a gender neutral version of "lord" or "lady". Hope this helps!

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