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Saraah and MC are literally too adorable together. And Gwyar, my love 💞, deserves the whole world. 

(3 edits) (+4)

Hmm...I'm enjoying it so far. I'm currently playing an MC that's intimidating and emotionless because of the treatment he's gone through in life, but with a kind heart that will slowly melt if given proper love and care (from Arthur, his future husband). Basically, a kind/emotional soul that was forced to be a heartless and obedient soldier. And currently wants to die in a hole over what he's done to Bedivere.  And wants love, but is afraid to reach out and thinks he's gross because of his scars. (just give him time, Arthur.)


honestly my favourite IF game on here 

Deleted 1 year ago
(2 edits) (+37)(-3)

do.. do you know that arthurian tales are by a bunch of writers over different time periods and they all just hammered any legends together how they interpreted them and a lot of the writing can be interpreted as very homo erotic?? there's no original macho myth of the round table. also way more incest and man eating horses. and the knights end up in dresses fairly frequently at parties gone wrong.

(1 edit) (+21)(-2)

Jesus... i came bk to see if this was maybe updated and some comments are so goddamn rude tf. Why are these people getting so worked up over a work of literal FICTION. good on you for setting them straight. The poor writer. I really enjoyed the story. I hope these idiots didnt deter the writer from continuing the project.


oH nOeS,,, mY fAnFicTioN gAmE iSnT cAnOn!!11!1!! 


Say you're insecure with your own sexuality without saying you're insecure about your own sexuality.

Deleted 1 year ago

You threw a hissy fit over a characters sexuality... Where was the "critique"?


An interesting but bland story, whats the purpose of the story and plot? You're married off and everyone likes you from the start, whats the plot? Nonexistent plot harms the story because you need an actual story, even worse King Arthur is portrayed as a feminine softy who uses darling and dear nonstop.

A romance story only for those who want romance is what I would call this story.


pipe down bro i dont see you making any games let alone having people actually enjoy them


I respect this may be your opinion, but only about a chapter and a half have been released so far, so maybe refrain from comments on the plot.


This story will probably have a mediocre plot, it will just be romance. Typical shoujo genre stuff. If King Arthur behaves like a sassy woman then it's definitely not going to be a story with action, drama or thrill


You only read the dialogue and the choices, didn't you? 

You know, when you comment you should do it only if you read the whole text (I'm assuming that's the case, otherwise it's some severe reading comprehension problems). Otherwise you come out like a flamer who makes false statements ("everyone likes you"? "no drama"?) and has nothing better to do than keep coming around even after 6 months.

I'd tell you to move on, but I bet you'll be coming around over and over because you need to be heard :) The Internet needs to know you decided not to like something!


I've never played an interactive narrative game like this before and I was blown away! The writing really draws you in and I could not stop reading until I made it to the end of chapter 2. It was so good I completely lost track of time while reading it! I love all the characters so far and am completely immersed in this Arthurian tale. I also appreciate how inclusive the writing is and the choices you can make that impact how the MC is perceived. Thank you Kal Down for making this! It's an amazing story and I appreciate the work it must've taken to have written it.  (:


I happen to come across this game, and the slow yet delicate narrative of the main character really enthralls me! I begin to stand in the character's shoes and try to complete the motivations and inner journey of him.


My only confusion is why the king calls the knights and servants "dear" or "darling" I've made all my romance options he/him I am not sure if this is on purpose or there is a confusion due to the change in pronouns 


It is very much on purpose. King Arthur uses terms of endearment very often in his speech, regardless of the person he is talking to. It is just part of his character.


I don't hate it, myself. I do hope that eventually he'll have a more personal endearment for our MC if we're romancing him...such as love or my love. <3


ohh i hadn't realized it before but goddd this 2nd character pov really does gets me right in the heart unghhhhh there's smth really immersive about seing others talking about the choices we make for our characters <3 I really appreciate the effort put into it <3333

I agree. It's nice at times to get a view into the mind of the other characters. Makes them more fleshed out and less flat.


i fukin love 2nd charachter pov and i fukin love this


Very good I love it so much , What I really live is the POV of the character about  your character 


I'm lucky to have stumbled upon this today!! This has absolutely exceptional writing so far and I've very much looking forward to getting onto the routes proper and having The Swag King Wingman for my Lesbian Knight Adventures

Slight problem I have is how both bath options on the wedding day in chapter 2 slashed my unassuming stat to 1 for whatever reason when it was previously three (which I can only assume is the current maximum points for said stat at the moment.) But other than that small and over-lookable pet peeve of a bug, I'm gratefully looking forward to further updates for this project! Followed and Bookmarked!!!


Just got a chance to play the latest update and WOW.  The writing is incredible. Love where the story is going.


Looking forward to new chapters! I love this game already


I played this on my birthday, AND LET ME TELL YOU WHEN I WAS LEGIT VIBRATING In my bed with the goofiest smile on my face!

I can't wait for moree!! Whooo, such a great writer!!

(1 edit) (+6)

Ugnhhhf the building up tension concerning MC's background and behavior is murdering me i'm- *inhuman screeching noises*


Screw all the ROs, I'm marrying my brother




I mean, considering its based on Arthurian legend... XD

Bro 😂


I loved the new update. I'm getting really invested in the story


Every updates makes me want more !!! I'm so hype for future updates :))


mordred has my heart already- hes so adorable 😭


I just discovered this game and have been loving every minute of it!! Can’t wait for more releases :DD


Oh hell yeah, an update! Your work is 100% worth waiting for and i'm loving all of it. Thank you for having such a wonderful brain :)


i realy like the game i hope you keep working on it!


Wow, Saraah is literally such a great sib. It's nice that MC has someone to open up to at least. Also, I realized while playing that if MC is supposed to get married to Arthur, then wouldn't MC be having an affair if MC decides to romance someone else lol. I thought it would be a interesting if that's how things are going to turn out. The 2nd chapter isn't even completely out yet but I'm hooked already. I'm very curious as to how things will turn out. Looking forward to the next part already lol


I'm crying, this is so cool and I love how you write MC's trauma and the ways it affects them. I'm going with the haunted puppet trauma for my MC (basically them being cold and keeps their distance from people and could only follow orders because of horrible parents and environment) and the ways that the angst follows MC every time they think they could get a sense of normalcy?? OOF THAT HURT SO WELL. Not only that, but I gotta say I didn't expect how warm and affectionate the cast are not only to themselves but to other people including MC, while poor MC over here is agonizing over their situation, the cast is like "Look at this traumatized baby, look at them, nobody is stoping me from taking them right here right now--" 

And the subtle (but quite obvious) political drama? AND THE WAY MC'S PAST COMES TO HAUNT THEM?? *chef's kiss* IT'S WONDERFUL ANGST POTENTIAL. Also like, it's pretty valid for both sides the fear they have for one another because of war and the lives that have been taken, it just hurts and sucks so much. But the moments were MC could be tender, although they themselves seem unaware how to be, is just so precious and just really drives home that MC needs a stable environment to heal because holy hell the amount of chest pains I got reading the choices and knowing this is what MC feels like is criminal (even though I was the one who chose this kind of MC; CHILD I WILL SMOTHER AND LOVE YOU). Also MC's family, I wonder if we'll see more of it, like not only just Saraah but also the other siblings. Wonder how they would treat this change of MC and the absolute whump potential of having the parents forcefully revert MC to who they "should" be.

I'm stupidly excited for when MC just breaks down for the people they've grown to care for. And because it's a common theme in most of the choices that MC never had a choice in their life, I wonder if they'll just dedicate their life in protecting and making Arthur's vision come true if it means they can not only atone for the actions they did, but also to be a part of that kind world he seems to be part of. I mean, for a battle mage like MC whose only seen war from when they were young, they must think Arthur's vision is like utopia and they'd do anything to help them.

Ohhh, I'm so heartbroken yet excited to see how the characters handle and help a confused lost MC whose told that they don't need to follow orders but doesn't know what to do, as they are paralyzed by their new autonomy. That would just be pain and it's glorious.

LOOKING FORWARD TO THE UPDATE! Keep up the good work and take care of yourself!!

Also reading through this IF with 10 hours of celtic music Adrian von Ziegler is really immersive, highly recommend to play with that as your background music!

(1 edit)

Similar. I'm going for broken and abused puppy that wants love but is scared to trust. He comes off cold and intimidating, but that's just the mask he's developed to protect himself after how his family treated him and his forced conscription into military life.


Thank youuuuuuuuuuu.


Saraah is such a sweetheart, jesus.


The siblings dynamic is amazing, tear jerking. Its so beautiful seeing the MC fully trust someone its gonna make my heart burst. If something happens to Saraah I'll riot. I can't wait to see where you take this, but also no pressure take all the time you need.


Saraah <333333333333333333




The update did not disappoint im shaking crying and monching on all of it




Sincerely, This entered on "my favorite interactive games list"

I love Arthur dearly! He is so sweet and thoughtful and RESPECTABLE! Guess i will be his most loyal Shadow or else, Would gladly die for this man, lol.

My MC is slowly trusting on every person there cause everyone is winning their and mine heart, They're so full of life, and they interact with each other adorably, they're different and i love it.

Even if i don't romance anyone else in the game (perhaps l, because this is tempting) i will love be friends with everyone in this kingdom, they're trying they best with a foreign newcomer and is amazing, Your work here is simply wonderful and i adore you.

Anxiously expecting for new chapters, But no pressure okay? Do in your time, Rest well and have fun days to yourself too


This game is amazing! It is by far one of the best text-based games I've ever played. Both the customization and the writing in general are great. Can't wait for chapter two!


Is there any way Arthur can be gender selectable, all the other ROs are and it feels weird the one who you're forced to be with isn't.


Cmon where is the update ?

Its been basicly a year


(Relatively) soon! Within a month or two at the latest


Great! I'm really invested in this and have been really excited for an update

(1 edit) (+4)

im dying im suffering from the-king's-hound's deficiency thw writing is so addictive and i cant go on anymoooooooorrrrre I NEEEEED 


oh my god this is amazing! reading the description, i thought i was yniol was going to be my favorite, but i honestly love them all. i really appreciate the fact that they interact and have relationships to each other, and that their lives don't revolve around the MC. thank you so much for this, and i wait with baited breath for your next update!



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